Philodendron stenolobum

E.G. Gonç. 2003

Gatunek o pokroju wzniesionym z sekcji Meconostigma. Z Brazylii.

foto © Michael Pascall
foto (1-10) © Taylor Holzer
foto (1-6) © Thomas Croat

Steve Lucas przysłał mi te fotki, aby umieścić je w ID Center. Nadesłał je mu Dr Tom Croat z tą informacją:
(nie tłumaczę, aby nie pomylić ważnych szczegółów, angielskie terminy botaniczne są bardziej precyzyjne).

''I am trying to get a determination on one of my big Philodendron collections that I got from Lynn Hannon. She claims to have gotten it from John Criswick who lives in one of the larger islands in the West Indies. I used to correspond with him but not for years. I am attaching some pictures of this plant and I am wondering if you might have an idea what it is. Also do you know how to post these pictures on the IAS web site for identification? I have never managed to learn how to run that site. I have gone on there from time to time to determine plant but have never managed to be able to leave my determinations because it always asked me for something I did not know. If you know how to do this perhaps you could post the pictures there.

This is such a distinctive plant that hopefully someone will know it. It appears very much like a Meconostigma but lacks any obvious interpetiolar scales. It bears two inflorescences per axil and as I recall it has long staminate flowers like a Meconostigma so perhaps it is some strange Meconostigma without interpetiolar scales. I have vouchered it under Croat 97823 but at the moment I have no idea where it comes from. Do you have any information on John Criswick? I would like to contact him to see if he recognizes the plant and might know from whence it came.''

A po kilku tygodniach zidentyfikował go jako Ph. stenolobum.

Exotic Rainforest: Ph. stenolobum
Tropicos: Philodendron stenolobum
CATE Araceae: Philodendron stenolobum
strona założona: 2007-04-16
zaktualizowana: 2011-02-15